Monday, July 18, 2005

Hey (beep) kills (beep)

Don't click on this link if you have not yet read Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. I mean it. It gives away a nasty surprise.

Okay. Now that you haven't clinked on the link, feel free to read on.

Terrible thing about Snape killing Dumbledore.

Oh, wait a sec:


Oh yeah, now then. I just finished reading the book the Pope didn't tell me not to read. Once again, it was enthralling as I stayed up 'til 2 in the morning because I just had to know what happened. It reminded me a bit of sophomore year of college, reading the last 400 pages or so of Sum of All Fears in one sitting. It also reminded me a bit of Clancy because I just kept thinking, "get a fucking editor already. I don't need to know the name of every person who attended Dumbledore's funeral. Blimey."

It's not that I think Rowling's gotten lazy. I'm sure sleeping on piles and piles of 100 pound notes hasn't affected her in the least. And as George Lucas has shown us, a creator is never wearied with his or her project. It's just that, as exciting as it is to read through thirty pages of Dumbledore drinking water (so thirsty, can't go on "drink more Professor" can't "just some more" can't, "just another cup" but I musn't, "one more sip" [just finish the damned potion already, will ya, blimey]), I would suggest that she cut out some of the slow parts.

I can take it from experience that writing is no easy gambit. Writers can get into lazy habits. Er, I mean, sometimes it's easy to fall back upon certain crutches (he said with a smirk). And believe me I'm as excited as the next fan to see where this all ends in a couple of years, though something tells me that other worldly pursuits just might make me able to survive the next couple of years without my head exploding. Look, I may have been up at midnight to purchase a book, but at least I wasn't wearing a faux scar on my head. No, instead I chose to write about the bloody book at midnight three days later. See, I'm no geek.


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