Friday, May 13, 2005


Here's a public suggestion. (This could have been discussed through back channel means, but on the chance it produces meaningful banter, I post it publicly. Besides, I haven't put up a post lately.) In the Darfur region of Sudan the Muslim gangs known as janjaweed are killing a lot of people. Every week we put up a post designed to bring attention to the situation in Darfur.

My guess: No one reads those posts. (I certainly don't.)

My inkling: Putting the posts up on our site is nothing more than a balm for American sensibilities.

My suggestion: Stop putting up the weekly posts. They haven't kept anyone from being murdered; and they haven't kept anyone from murdering. They are, I suggest, an empty gesture. I am not a big fan of empty gestures, and do not wish to share authorship of this particular (ex hypothesi) empty gesture.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.


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