Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Once in a Lifetime

Every couple of decades a member of the DC city council says something reasonable. When such occasions arise, it is best to button up because the temperature down below - and I don't mean Paul Hogan's homeland - just got a wee bit colder.

Anyway, there is an article in the DC Examiner on the question of whether the cameras they've got all over the city in some crazy homage to Oceania have in fact saved lives. There was a 35% decline in traffic fatalities last year, and some attribute the decline to the traffic cameras. Others have noted that there were fewer drunk-driving fatalities, and certainly drunk drivers do not care about cameras. Still others have observed that there has been no discernible decline in speeding across the city.

Whatever one thinks about those marvellous cameras, which really none of us should question (Shhhhh. The red light is on, meet me over by the Waterfront mall at 2 am to discuss this issue. Wear all black.) it's hard to disagree too much with City Councilman Phil Mendelsohn - never thought I'd type that.
"You're playing with the numbers to try to prove something,to justify the amount of money you've extorted from drivers in the District," he said. "You've got mayhem and murder in the streets, but the one thing the District does well is go after drivers, because they are the cash cow."
Perhaps Councilman, oh, excuse me, councilperson Mendelsohn is being a bit unfair. After all, it is not right to expect the overworked police force of the District, people who have spent hours upon hours cautioning people not to jaywalk, patrolling the mean streets of Friendship Heights, and sitting in threes to patrol the intersection of Military Road and 31st street just to catch someone going 4 miles over the speed limit, to actually go into the dangerous areas of the city to bust people committing real crimes. Sure, there might be some guy selling crack along the Anacostia, but it's the guy chatting on his cell phone while driving that is the real menace to society.

At any rate, three cheers to Phil Mendelsohn. But just to calmly reassure my beneficent DC guardians, I repeat my allegiance:

I love big brother.


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