Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Confirm Them

I wanted to take this time to announce a new blog project that I am fortunate enough to be a part of. It is called Confirm Them, and it is the latest project of the good folks at Red State. As Mike Krempasky's intro states, "It will serve as a central clearinghouse for all the upcoming fights in the US Senate." Though when he mentions that it will feature " some of the best and brightest legal bloggers who've cut their teeth on the past round of judicial nominations" he might as well say " some of the best and brightest legal bloggers who've cut their teeth on the past round of judicial nominations . . .and Paul Zummo." But I guess I could just pretend to be among the best and brightest legal bloggers until they catch on.

Anyway, check it out. I'll be posting there from time to time.


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